Today is May the 4th - Star Wars Day! And the Bento Bloggers and Friends are having a blog hop!
This is my second time doing a Star Wars bento - last year I made Admiral Ackbar, and that post is still in my top ten of most viewed posts on my blog! I'd like to think my skills have improved a little in the past year, so this year I'd like to unveil ... Chewbacca, the kalua pork Wookie:
This lunch may look a little rice - heavy, but there's more to it than meets the eye. In the Star Wars logo section I have some delicious kalua pork underneath that black rice. The rice is naturally black - it's called "forbidden rice" by name. I made the Star Wars logo from cheese and nori. It wasn't as hard as it looks - I found a great tutorial on YouTube where I finally learned the secrets of how people make intricate designs out of cheese and nori. I tried it, and it worked great!
The stars are made from Soy wrappers - they are like nori sheets, but come in colors. I used a star hole punch to cut them out.
Up in the corner is some steamed broccoli, and on top of that are some cheese and cracker Tie Fighters. I made them from Trader Joe's Edamame crackers ( because they are hexagon shaped), cheese cut with a mini circle cookie cutter, and a dab of mayo to hold them together.
Chewbacca is in the corner on a bed of rice. He is made from kalua pork that I had in the freezer, thanks to my Weekly Food Prep - so it didn't take too long to make this bento... well, okay I won't lie to you. It took me way longer than my normal weekday bentos! But for something extra special, like this blog hop, I like putting in the effort (I was giggling as it started to take shape). I snipped off the tips of black beans for his eyes and nose, and his mouth is made from mushrooms and cheese that I cut with a mini carving tool. I packed it all in an Easy Lunch Box:
Now, do you want to see some other amazing Star Wars bento? Click on the button below to hop over to Bento, Monsters to see what Ming has made: ( the hop will go live at 10 AM mountain time)

Then follow along to the next blog, and the next, until you eventually end up back here.
Once you've completed the hop... click this button:
Erin Walker
Awesome Chewie! Actually, the whole thing is a work of art! Love it!
He's absolutely amazing, Kristie!!!
Sarah Felder bentoriffic
Your Star Wars icon is amazing. ..and Chewie, well, let's say I'm glad I didn't attempt one. This is seriously awesome.
I bow down...unbelievable!!!
Wow! Amazing Chewbacca and the lettering, everything is so awesome!
Sarah Denton
Chewy is great
thanks everyone!
JDaniel4's Mom
Chewy is truly amazing. I am going to pin this.
thanks! I appreciate it!
Anna Adden
The lunch is amazing!! Love chewbacca and the Star Wars emblem!!
Amanda Paulos
Chewbacca is amazing!
Sarah Paterson-Farrand
Your Chewy is nuts! Loving the letters too!
Jenn Christ
Looks great!
Diana - FreeStyleMama
Chewy rocks!! Love the tie-fighters too!
Venia | Organized Bites
I'm in awe, this is wicked gorgeous! Seriously, I love every detail...but, I'm gobsmacked over the black bean eyes and nose...genius!
Great lunch! Chewy is AMAZING!
Wow, this is just AMAZING, Kristie!! Your Chewy is just ridiculous! Great job!!!
Love that Chewie, pulled pork was an awesome idea
Love your Chewy! Awesome lunch!
Ming Bentomonsters
Wow!!! This is so awesome! Love, love, love!
Loving Lunches
Love your Chewbacca 🙂
AWESOME LUNCH!!! Chewie is great! And thanks for the tutorial link. One question, does it have to be a flexible cutting board? Other than the being thin enough for the binder clips, I don't see a reason (but having never tried this..).
I don't see why it has to be a flexible cutting board. I think you could even use a piece of cardboard if you wanted! But I would cover it with something food-safe, like waxed paper , before clipping the nori sheet to it.
Chewie is awesome!!!
Han Solo
lets just say... that The Force is DEFINITELY with you
Nancy T
This is just so creative and awesome!! My husband and brother, who are huge Star Wars fans, would love this!
thank you!